Magadan by Vasia Oblomov: the shit song that drunk Russians love so much

I propose to start every new week with a song that takes us somewhere in the world.

This is the story of a failed singer. “His friend plays in a jazz club in Moscow”, but himself “plays old Soviet shit songs for drunk people” in a shithole in the middle of Russia.

One day, he decides to write his own song: Edu v Magadan (I’m going to Magadan) which quickly becomes a huge success, “unsurprisingly because it is a shit song”: everyone in Russia loves it and even the prime minister has it as his ringtone!

Edu v Magadan is a satire from Russian rapper Vasia Oblomov that proved so popular that he published it in English, too. For the original version in Russian follow this link.

Have a great week!

This post is part of a weekly event called The Monday Travel song. You can participate, too, by doing the following:

  • Create your own post every Monday and title it The Monday travel song: xxx by xxx
  • Include a link to a song (YouTube link or other)
  • It must be a song which is linked to a geography. For example, a Russian song, a Chinese song, a Scottish song… (it can be from your own country every now and then, but remember the purpose is to get others to virtually travel!)
  • Your post doesn’t have to be long, but do tell us a little bit about the song… for example by telling about the lyrics, about the composer, about the style…
  • Include a link to my own Monday travel song in your post tag it “Monday-travel-song” so others can find it too

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